July 25, 2017
Getting to know you - Jess Tobin
Jess Tobin is one of our newer artists - her art is femme focused, inspired by street art and Irish society and is totally brilliant. This week we launch her limited edition 'Your hair is massive' print so we'd thought we'd sit down and get to know her a little better...
Who is your favourite artist? I don't have one, I've so many for many for different reasons.
What inspires you? Art, faces, colour combos and interesting creative directions and alternative takes on creating. Drawings.
What got you into art? I've been drawing since I was a kid, artiness is in the family.
What's your go-to coffee order? Cappuccino, no chocolate or flat white
Favourite TV Show? Thats hard, in this moment I'll say The American Office
Go to Karaoke song? Black Velvet sung very very badly!
Most intense Netflix obsession? Documentaries about cults and narcos.
Most googled person (bar yourself)? 
not a person but bad plastic surgery is a favourite of mine. Or celebs before and after surgery.
Guilty pleasure? Pizza, always pizza.
Favourite place? Bed, ha ha no. I don't have one I've so many. Top of a snowy mountain on a clear day.
Most treasured possession? My engagement ring.

The lovely Jess Tobin
Pop by the store to see Jess's glorious art - we have two prints in store at the moment, both beautiful and totally unique.